I received my Lowel Core 44 light kit today. I went immediately into setup mode. Reading the instructions, feeling like a complete doofus trying to figure out how to put everything together. Ultimately it wasn't that difficult and now that I've done it once I'm sure I can do it again pretty quickly. I'm looking forward to setting up the 3-light kit on a set and taking some test runs.
Another big decision I made was to purchase a new (new to me) Canon 814 XL-S Super 8 camera. It was a big purchase but the more I thought about it the more I do not like the quality of the pictures I'm getting from my Nizo. I don't know what it is but the clarity and color has not been that good. And I really dislike the viewfinder - I can't see shit through it. So it came down to: do I want to burn $1000 of film through a camera that's not working for me? Hell no. I need something that works. So I hope the Canon is everything that everyone says it is. We'll see.
I've been living on ebay for the past couple of days. I've found and purchased most of the props I need. Found some really good stuff - stuff I don't think I would have ever found around here. I now have purchased 2 radios - both are 30s era shortwave radios that presumably WORK. That's going to be awesome. I bought a pair of vintage headphones from the 30s, and a WWII era footlocker. I'm picking up the footlocker in Fort Worth next week, since I'm going to be down that way for a climbing team competition.
I've also purchased a couple of costumes for the pin-up girl character, Miss June. I already have my actress that's going to play Miss June and I'm expecting that we will do the still photo-shoot for her next week.
I pulled out my old light meter - a Sekonic Studio A - that I inherited from my Dad. The meter wand moves but I don't know if the readings are accurate or not. I need someone's expertise. Frankly, I don't know a damn thing about light meters or metering for film. Ironic isn't it, since I love shooting film? I just need to learn more about metering, taking readings, and understanding the ISO/ASA thing.
Next steps are to go through the script scene by scene, location by location and begin blocking out the scenes. Then I need to have a production meeting, set a schedule, and do a casting call. Once I make the casting announcement I want pretty much everything to be ready to roll so that we can go right into rehersals. I'm aiming for beginning principle photography June 1, if not earlier.
BTW - anyone want to be a producer? The film needs money. Did I mention that I'm sending this to Sundance?
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