For those of you unfamiliar with film, that means I have seen none of the footage shot - it's not like digital, you can't see what you've shot immediately after shooting it. It will not be until August 21st when I actually go to the lab in Burbank to see what I've created. Until then, it's still in my mind.
When I visit the lab I will not only get to see the processed film but I will get to be there for the transfer to digital and be involved in that process. This was just an added bonus - it just so happened that our vacation to Cali coincided with the lab work - so lucky me. I love the fact that I get to have this added hands-on experience.
I've already begun going through all the recorded sound files; those recorded on set and in studio. And I've started working on titles and organizing the project. It's a lot to do. There are all of these individual pieces that must be reassembled to meet the script and tell a story on screen. It already feels like writing again - but this time I know the story and how it ends I just have to show it. In editing it is equally difficult to take all of this footage - almost 1.5 hours worth - and distill it down to a 20 minute film. That's a lot of choices to make and a lot of leftover material.
Post-production will officially begin when I return from California. Hopefully, I will not have any re-shoots. A re-shoot is just what it sounds like: when you have to re-shoot a scene because either the footage didn't turned out or you are missing a key component for some reason.
So out next (and final) shooting date is Monday, August 17th. We have two locations to visit and two very important scenes to shoot.
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