Today I made amazing progress. I edited footage from the end of scene 12 up through scene 28, that's out of a total of 33 scenes. Some scenes are longer than others - technically speaking - some are more sequences than scenes. Number 33 is the longest and most involved because it contains so many different elements.
I have synced together a good portion of the dialog along with the footage, it makes it easier to select the best takes and get a feel for the story. The sound quality is going to need some additional work in terms of mixing and layering in sound f/x and music. But I am getting closer with each step. It's beginning to look like an actual film!
The first deadline and my original goal (to submit to Sundance for 2010) is quickly approaching - it's Sept 19. I think I can have the film cut by then but the score is another story. There's some issues with reserving recording space that may or may not work out. I'm at the point now where I can see that this project IS going to get done. Now it's just a matter of, will it be done this month or next month?
The next big festival that I am planning on entering is Slamdance. It runs the same time as Sundance (and also in Park City, UT) but their regular deadline is Sept 30 and then their late entry deadline is Oct 30. So I'm confident that I can hit the Oct one at the latest and maybe even the Sept one. Another thing: in my research of the two festivals I think Slamdance may be the better festival for this film and for me. It is geared for new filmmakers, they accept more shorts, and generally speaking, it seems like a way more laid-back festival and perhaps a better first-time festival experience. I probably have a better shot at getting it accepted at Slamdance too.
So does that mean I'm giving up on Sundance? Well, not really. We'll just see how it goes - if it gets done in time, it gets done in time, if not, so be it.
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